Front and centre: Well, would you look at that! It's not every day that the cover of the Sun resembles a classic
Dead Kennedys album cover. The Sun must have had a non-stop leaky boner over the weekend as life in Toronto became a
li'l bit
turvy and police arrested everyone in the city. I just wish that the Sun had created some sort of mini-site to document the G20 summit. Oh, wait: they did! And it's called which gives an indication of how eager they were for things to get '
nuff retarded.
Unsurprisingly, the Sun was indignant over the destruction of private property—especially when buxom women were effected:
"Starbucks, Swiss Chalet, American Apparel, Money Mart, all the major banks,
TTC streetcars stalled by the protest, media vehicles, and the Zanzibar Tavern and its G-String Summit were all trashed."
Not in my name, Black Bloc!
Top: Now that Wind has struck out on his own and started a telecommunications company, I wonder what Earth and Fire will do with the rest of their lives? I certainly hope they continue playing funk! Also: a lottery winner holds up a thing.
The bottom: This may not have been the best day to put a car ad on the cover.
Summary: I hope
Naomi Klein's next book explains the nefarious workings of the G-String Summit.
**** (out of 5)UPDATE:
At this moment: The Sun is denouncing G20 protesters by quoting a line from Tom Petty's
Into the Great Wide Open. Brutal
sassing like this
ought to make everyone think twice about exercising their democratic rights. I'm just glad the Sun didn't go
completely nuts and call anyone a nincompoop or a ding-dong; I don't want anyone to get killed.
"non-stop leaky boner"
ReplyDeletesweet fuck this is excellent *<prostrates*
Number of pages of an EDITORIAL against protesters - 1. Number of pages of actual NEWS hinting on police abuse - 15!