Left: Mexico beat France 2-0 in yesterday's World Cup match. In an unrelated story, I chose to eat Mexican food over French food last night. So, in a way, my digestive system mirrors the World Cup. I even keep a vuvuzela beside the toilet so I can get into the spirit of things when I "score a goal." Also: I am willing to marry whoever wins the $50 million Lotto Max jackpot, provided they are 1) a total babe, 2) a drummer and 3) a van owner. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm looking for a girl with wheels to join my awful band. Or a guy.
The Bottom: The GMC Right Truck Event is here. Just like the Mayans predicted.
Summary: An interesting coincidence: I have the words I'M NO THREAT tattooed on the back of my neck. I understand that it makes young women feel safe.
** (out of 5)
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