Front and centre: A man makes a halfhearted "ta-
da!" gesture in front of a row dumpsters. Is this a promotional picture for an intriguing new Fringe show that's setting tongues a-wagging? No! This man is the executive director of the Greater Toronto Apartment Association, and he's happy that the city is reducing garbage collection rates for apartments and condos. Maybe he can hammer out a script over the next year for the 2011 Fringe? It can be called "Garbage Boys!" and it can use garbage collection as a metaphor for Glee.
Left: The
Flyers beat the
Blackhawks 4-3 last night. Also: if I win the $50 million jackpot, I'm going to go on the biggest Fringe Binge in history.
On the bottom: A Scandinavian Ice Queen tries to use discount glasses as a pretext for seducing False Harry Potter. Good luck, sister!
Summary: I've seen better Annex Gleaner covers.
* (out of 5)
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