The Sun is angry that the TTC spent a bunch of money installing bike racks on buses. "I can't attach my car to a bus. Why should these Lance Armstrongs be allowed to attach their queer bikes?"
The top of it: Students from Uxbridge have travelled to Ypres, Belgium in red jackets to see where their relatives died in the World Wars. This is actually how the article about them begins:
"Yep, Ypres. Eeps. Yepper. Yipers. Wipers. Yeepers. Creepers."
And the Pulitzer goes to....
Also: it's the $20.6 Million Couple, a pair of cyborgs created by the military to be different sizes.
Bottom: "It's who we are... We're Bistrodeli." I can't believe that Country Style is using Nirvana lyrics in something as crass as an advertising campaign. For shame.
Summary: If you turn off all the lights, stare into the bathroom mirror and say the phrase "bus bust" ten times in a row, the editor of the Toronto Sun will appear in the mirror and denounce you.
*** (out of 5)
Did the copyright guard fall asleep at the Nirvana farm?