Sunday, March 28, 2010

29 March 2010

Front and centre: Hey, what happened to all the crime? Relax! Toronto Fashion Week is here, so today we're giving illegal immigrants, stranglers and pedophiles the day off so we can all think about how to dress-to-impress. Feast your eyes on this sexy, young, one-handed model wearing a furry. (Which one is the Wild Thing? The babe or the wolf she killed?) In a perfect world, pedophiles would organize their own outrageous fashion show so the Sun could run a picture of chubby, bearded man with dead-eyes strutting down the catwalk. SICKOS STRUT STUFF AT PERV FASHION PARTY.

Toppish left: A modern-day giant and his diminutive wife have become Wealthmen.

Bottom: "Mother! Thank you for giving me a breakfast sandwich made with real cheddar cheese. Where are you taking me?"

Summary: A ho-hum cover if ever there was one. Apparently, yesterday's cover intimated something to the effect that murder was now legal, but I couldn't find it online. Onwards and upwards!

** (out of 5)


  1. Suggest a fashion week shows to the makers of Rapist Glasses and see how that goes?

  2. I like the "Real Cheddar Cheese" label.
